Mortgage for housing by YIT

Mortgage for housing by YIT

All you need is 10 % of your resources for a new apartment from YIT, even in the age category over 36.

We will arrange the remaining 90% for you at an interest rate of 4.59 % and a fixed-rate period of 2 to 3 years.

Everything in one place

You can arrange a mortgage with us quickly and simply. Thanks to our mortgage consulting, you can save yourself bother with administration and with time spent waiting in banks. Leave the financing of your new apartment up to us and you will have everything you need, all under one roof.

Mortgage without fees

We will prepare a mortgage loan for you free of charge, create estimates for you and arrange everything for you to ensure the smooth financing of your real estate (protocols on status of construction, reservation of financial resources, drawing on application for registration, management of current account, expert opinions). Complete service and help when drawing on the loan without fees.

These conditions are arranged at selected banks and are only for clients of YIT Mortgage.

Just 10% up front

We provide the possibility of financing your property with up to 90% of the mortgage lending value at intriguing interest rates. Thus you will only need 10% of your own funds to conclude a mortgage. If you will not receive the mortgage loan, we guarantee your paid funds will be returned.

All tailored to you

We approach each client individually and try to find a solution that will suit them best. That is why we offer, for example, the possibility to defer payments. Plus, our clients have the opportunity to use discounts on interest rates.

We handle everything for you

We resolve all the administration for our client ourselves free of charge through the mortgage advisors of Green Finance s.r.o., a tied agent of GEPARD FINANCE a. s., an independent consumer credit intermediary pursuant to Act No. 257/2016 Coll., on Consumer Credit. 

Thus, you will not have to worry about the registration of the mortgage agreements at the cadastral office, an estimate of the property or direct communication with the bank or the developer. We also take care of the insurance or the building society loans. If you want to arrange the credit yourself or through your own mortgage advisor, you will be charged a fee for the administrative costs connected with this (negotiating with the loaning bank, inspection of loan agreement, inspection and conclusion of mortgage agreement, inspection of application for registration in the land registry, verification of signatures on the mortgage agreements, etc.).


Representative example:

Loan amount to 4.000.000,- CZK, loan maturity 30 years, total monthly installments 360, monthly payment 20.482,- CZK, fixed interest rate fixed for 2 to 3 years 4,59% pa, APR 4,73%, total amount payable by the costumer 7.373.520,- CZK. Fees related to a mortgage loan: provision of mortgage loan id free of charge, monthly maintenance of a current account in a bank free of charge, maintenance and administration of a mortgage loan free of charge, valuation of a property free of charge, drawing a loan free of charge. With the mortgage loan you will incur additional costs such as management costs in the cadastre associated with the establishment of a lien in the anticipated amount of 2.000,- CZK, costs associated with the cancellation of the lien upon termination of the mortgage loan in the expected amount of CZK 2.000,- CZK, fee to the bank for sending such an order to delete a lien in the estimated amount of 500,- CZK , and costs related to the required property insurance. The mortgage loan is secured by a mortgage for the benefit of the financing bank. An independent broker for consumer loan is a company GEPARD FINANCE a.s.

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